Kelly John Weaver

Odd Memory

I don't normally remember my dreams. However I know I dreamed of someone in my past because when I woke up all I you think about was that person.

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Dream Interpretations

Kelly - When you think about someone it is never that actual person you directly know - it is only your thoughts and feelings about them.

It is the same with dreams - You have taken in millions of bit of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with someone and they are what makes you the person you are. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event.

There must have been something that triggered the dream memory. But you can meet the real 'inner person' of you dream memory by standing in the role of the character or image they are using. So if you choose to be a person you close your eyes, imagine yourself as stepping into the body of the dream character and describe him or herself as the person they now are – from the feelings not thoughts. Dreams arise from the processes of life in us. Life is very ancient and was active long before words – associations with sounds – arrived, and dreams uses an older method than thinking with words - feelings.

To do this it usually changes the way your body or feelings are experienced. As this is done notice any changes in how you feel as that person – or object – speak as them in the first person. Do not say, “I feel as if this person is …” but say, “I feel I am and am doing ..” As this happens watch any realisations or insights that arise and explore the person or thing. Ask question of this dream character or thing until you feel you have realised what it is of you that is being revealed.

I know it is difficult for some people to say ‘I’ instead of talking as if the dream character is someone else. But if you start claiming the dream image as your own in this way by saying such things as, “I am a tree” you will quickly realise you are talking about yourself. Seeing that all images of our dreams are productions of our self, in being an object or person you are tuning into aspects of you usually unconscious.


on July 1, 2015
By Kelly John Weaver

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