Anonymous Dream Explorer

Dangerous And Easy Paths

I was with two women that I don't know and we were walking to some place. On the way there was this more dangerous and difficult way and a more sensible and save path. The dangerous path was over some rocks and involved hanging and jumping while the easy path was just regular walk way. The two women that were ahead of me took the more difficult path, and I examined the struggle they had to endure in getting up and down the rocks and figured I would rather take the easier path and I did. The weird part is that one of the women was Asian and shorter while the 2nd one was taller and looked rather European from behind. She was wearing a long rain coat, but when she turned around to hand from rocks while negotiating the difficult path, her face turned towards me and I saw that she was an Asian too. I felt that something was out of ordinary.

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By Anonymous Dream Explorer

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