Ronna Krueger Meredith

Late For School

I'm with Mom and Dad at airport to finalize tickets. We don't hear announcement for my flight to change ticket. I'm mad because I need to be at school at 9 and now I will be late. Dad is also making me mad because he is not concerned that I'm going to be late and he's doing other things that don't have to be done. I say I'll just walk to school and then start crying because I realize we're not in mcclusky. I can't walk. Mom is stuck in the middle and remains neutral. Airport man brings over half empty sugar bowl and scolds me saying, this sugar is not for dinner. I say, now I'm really mad. I did not eat that sugar. in fact I hardly ever eat sugary Foods or drinks. I'm tell him I am furious with him.

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By Ronna Krueger Meredith

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