Anonymous Dream Explorer

Two Flying Failures

There was this truck that was converted into an airplane and was occupied by a young couple. The guy was driving it. They drove a short distance, got airborne, then started to descend and landed right on top a power poll. The poll went through the engine compartment and they got stuck there. Soon sparks started to fly and then the truck caught fire. I heard screams coming of the the truck and realized that the two occupants were in trouble. I was wondering how I could help them. I was afraid that the fire could get to close them causing them to drop from that high point. I was hoping the rescue workers would arrive before they lost their lives. Soon I saw rescue vehicle arrive and I felt better. Then there was this shortened VW bus looking vehicle also converted into an airplane but no wings or roters and was trying to take off but instead it topped over on it's face. No one appeared to have been hurt.

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By Anonymous Dream Explorer

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