Nina Pretty

Grandpa Or Papa Legba?

Last night I dreamt of Papa Legba... Nothing crazy happened. He was just there, I thought he was my dead grandfather at first. He had on red pants, red blazer, black button down shirt & these brown kind of sparries or whatever those shoes are called but the old ones. I was taking a picture of myself & could see him & a horse hovering literally floating over me in the picture, I asked "grandpa?" And just as the question came out someone I couldn't see whispered in my ear "you don't let Papa Legba rest" it caught me so of guard and I was so confused. When I looked back the man didn't look like my grandfather who heavily practiced Santeria, he had dark hair and was slimmer now rather than chubby with cotton white hair and the dark complexion. He was slim, dark, with dark features. He was smiling and then I woke up. Although I've heard of him I didn't know much about him so I searched him up and it said his colors are red and black just as the man in my dream was wearing. Freaky man, freaky.

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By Nina Pretty

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